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„Winner“ of German Design Award 2023


Iconic Award 2022 - Best of Best

Once again our new RS11 has won wide recognition in its field. We’re very honored to receive the ‘Best of Best’ Iconic Award 2022 for our RS11.

CSR Prisen 2021


VOLA received the award CSRpeople21 for being a socially responsible company

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Technical update

New sealing membrane for all VOLA built-in fittings


Materialer & Arkitektur

VOLA was recently a part of this great event “Nature’s Materials and Architecture” in Aarhus, Denmark.

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VOLA celebrates 50 years and beyond

This September, VOLA brought 150 international architects from around the world together in Denmark to celebrate its 50th anniversary.

Plus X Award Logo

VOLA T60 Round Hand Shower

Plus X Award celebrates innovative products within the field of technology, sport and lifestyle.

075 Dietervandervelpen Architects Il Granito Kkn Gent Photo Cafeine Be 5752

VOLA fotowedstrijd INTERIEUR 2016

Naar aanleiding van INTERIEUR 2016 organiseerde VOLA voor de vijfde keer een fotowedstrijd. Deze editie namen opnieuw meer dan 60 architecten en interieurarchitecten deel. Zij zonden samen bijna 300 foto’s in. Wij waren opgetogen met het niveau van de ingezonden beelden, al maakte dat de beslissing van de jury niet eenvoudiger.


VOLA possibilities

VOLA is a world of possibilities, be inspired by this small animation.

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Salone del Mobile

VOLA will exhibit its new award-winning designs at Salone del Mobile

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New VOLA round hand shower

The Round Series hand shower is a seamless extension of the VOLA Round-head shower. They are based on the same design DNA.

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VOLA new spa products

The luxury private bathroom, hotel spa or sauna should be an oasis of tranquillity. An escape from worldly matters. A place to rejuvenate the body, and allow the mind to empty and the soul to meditate.

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VOLA showroom in Stockholm

Last week we opened a new VOLA showroom in Stockholm in connection with the Stockholm Design Week.

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VOLA News: Hands-free soap dispenser

At VOLA we are only interested in perfection. That’s why we’re presenting two more products in our award-winning Round Series. The electronic hands-free soap dispenser and cistern flush.

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VOLA Hands-free mixers nominated for German Design Award 2014

The German Design Award has an excellent public image. This is also down to the reputation of its organizer, the German Design Council, which has been representing and supporting the German design industry with its expertise in all questions relating to design for 60 years now.

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GOOD DESIGN Award 2011

In December 2011 VOLA RS1 won the GOOD DESIGN Award presented by The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design. Founded in Chicago in 1950 with participation of designers including Ray and Charles Eames GOOD DESIGN remains the oldest and the world’s most recognized program for design excellence worldwide.


Round Series

nieuw VOLA modulair concept voor een inbouw afvalbak en tissuehouder

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VOLA handdoekwarmer T39

In plaats van de doorsnee handdoekwarmer, die sterk lijkt op een radiator, introduceert VOLA een modulair inbouwsysteem van handdoekrails, dat kan worden afgestemd op de individuele wens en smaak van de gebruiker.

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DIRA Award 2010

VOLA won the DIRA Award 2010 presented by the Danish Industrial Robot Association.

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Een nieuwe VOLA hoofddouche; te combineren met het VOLA inbouwsysteem.

Volg VOLA op Instagram en ontdek meer inspirerende updates over design en architectuur. @vola.denmark – Berichten van Instagram
Deense design traditie VOLA experience Een gegarandeerde duurzaamheid

Door voor VOLA te kiezen, maak je deel uit van het blijvende erfgoed van iconisch Deens design en uitzonderlijk vakmanschap.

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