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VOLA wins in the  2021 German Brand Awards

VOLA wins in the 2021 German Brand Awards

The German Brand Institute, organisers of the German Brand Awards, has selected VOLA’s film Danish design and the future as the winner of Excellence in Brand Strategy and Creation, in the category Movies, Commercials and Virals. 

An infrastructure for a good life
The film features an interview with Danish architect Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen, founding partner of Norm Architects. He explores how traditional Danish culture, like other less affluent societies, has a history of using simple, natural materials to create designs that stand the test of time and celebrate the beauty of fine details. He also discusses how aesthetics form an essential part of wellbeing in everyday life – just like healthy food and exercise – and emphasises that design is not just about creating products, it is about making an infrastructure for a good life, in a way that lasts for decades or longer.

Danish design ambassador
Commenting on the film, Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen considers VOLA an international ambassador for Danish design, praising the values inherent not just in this film but in others that VOLA has produced.

“VOLA’s films are about more than VOLA,” he says. “They talk about Danish design, what it stands for and why it is such a global success. It’s a very appealing approach that not every brand would be brave enough to take – it shows great confidence. “

Watch the film on VOLA On Design

A piece of Danish history
Birthe Tofting, sales and marketing director at VOLA, has been working on the VOLA brand for over 30 years. “We’re extremely grateful for this recognition,” she says. “Since we began in 1968, the values of the VOLA brand have remained constant while trends across the world have changed. VOLA is authentic and simple, with an understated elegance. It is a piece of Danish design history, made from honest materials like brass and stainless steel and manufactured by skilled and considered craftspeople in Denmark.”

“Our design heritage, which began with Arne Jacobsen over 50 years ago, has been carefully protected and we have never made any compromises in that respect – even when it means we have lost orders as a result. We feel that we’re the defenders of a small but important piece of Denmark’s history, whilst still moving forward by developing innovative products.”

Ideas and inspiration
VOLA celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2018 and since then, the doors have been opened to the world of VOLA, with more access to how the products are made and a greater share of voice given to VOLA staff. “During this time we have invited Danish and international architects to discuss their VOLA projects, sharing their ideas and inspiration with us and our customers,” said Birthe Tofting. “Our international audience has shown us that there is enormous interest in Danish lifestyle and values. So in our all brand communication, we’re simply expressing what we have believed in for many years. So it’s very rewarding to be recognised for that.” 

Collaborative and creative
The film was produced by Identity, the creative agency that has worked with VOLA for over 15 years. It is a partnership that has evolved with time, reflecting the changing media landscape. “Identity have known us for many years,” commented Birthe Tofting. “So they have a deep understanding of our brand values and character. The team has created a film that not only communicates those but also reaches out to newer audiences around the world who respond to innovative content on our website and via social media.”

About the German Brand Awards 
Comprehensive. Expert. Impartial. The German Brand Awards give unique visibility to successful brands. Their judges and organisers are independent, and their criteria are transparent. A contact list of over 315 million names, the overwhelmingly positive response from companies, agencies and service providers, and more than 1,200 entries submitted testify to the huge amount of interest generated by this prize for excellence in brand management.

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