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H.C. Andersen’s HouseThe Extraordinary in the Ordinary

The transformation of the iconic Danish Museum
by Kengo Kuma & Associates is one of Denmark’s
most recent cultural success stories.

CUBO ArkitekterDen Gamle By

An open and democratic invitation to a journey in time. In the very heart of Aarhus, Denmark´s second largest city, you will find an intriguing union between the present and the past.

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VOLA. For life.

We have been making life better since 1968.
It’s all about bringing the good life to everyone.
And that’s something we promise we will never change.

Elemental living

In the raw and dramatic landscape of Iceland we visit an architectural masterpiece, Árborg House, by nordic architect Pálmar Kristmundsson. Here, the landscape plays a leading role to the extraordinary architectural space, demonstrating how the natural and the man-made can live in perfect harmony.

On designTotal design: A Danish tradition

Explore the importance of design in Danish culture and its on-going worldwide influence with Anne-Louise Sommer, Director of the Designmuseum Denmark in Copenhagen, and Jane Sandberg, CEO of ENIGMA Museum of Post, Tele and Communications.

The Danish WayThe Danish Way of Mindful Living

For centuries, human beings have sought happiness and wellbeing through a connection with nature. From Neolithic stone circles to today’s resurgence of interest in sustainable and organic products, we have a primal need to have relationships with spaces and objects that resonate in a profound and purposeful way.

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See the unexpectedAarhus Symphony Orchestra

This summer, workers at the VOLA factory in Horsens were surprised much to everyone’s delight.

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On designTotal design: A culture of togetherness

Our speakers continue their discussion at Copenhagen’s Designmuseum on how Denmark’s sense of collaboration and human-centric approach make good design accessible to everyone. VOLA was originally created for use in the National Bank of Denmark in Copenhagen and continues to be specified globally by renowned architects in iconic public buildings.

In conversation with JUMA architects
The Extraordinary in the Ordinary
In conversation with Patrick Batek, Batek Architekten
Den Gamle By CUBO Arkitekter
Danish design in South Korea the meeting of tradition, craft and the modern aesthetic
In conversation with Kwangho Lee
In conversation with Marte Marte Architects
VOLA. For life. A new perspective on a time-honoured classic
In conversation with Ester Bruzkus Architekten
In conversation with Regina Schineis
Utzon Center, Aalborg The Architecture and History of Danish Holiday Homes
Dokk1, Aarhus Schmidt Hammer Lassen
Total design: A culture of togetherness
Total design: A Danish tradition Explore the importance of design in Danish culture.
In conversation with Professor Mikala Holme Samsøe & Professor Amandus Samsøe Sattler
In conversation with Durietz Design
Elemental living Pálmar Kristmundsson
Dalarna House Dive Architects
Villa Jägersro Saga Karlsson & Edouard Boisse
In conversation with Niels Maier
In conversation with David Montalba
In conversation with Thomas De Bruyne
Hands-free function Hand-crafted form
NERI&HU VOLA collaboration with Shanghai based architects, Neri&Hu.
KERRY HILL A VOLA collaboration with the late, Singapore and Perth based architect, Kerry Hill.
MARMOL RADZINER A VOLA collobaration with Los Angeles based architects, Marmol Radziner.
SUPER POTATO A VOLA collaboration with Tokyo based architects, Super Potato.
JOHNSON NAYLOR A VOLA collobaration with London based architect, Fiona Naylor at Johnson Naylor.
Shingle House NORD Architects
The heart of the home Scandinavian kitchen design
In conversation with Nathalie Deboel
In conversation with Simone Bossi
CARR A VOLA collobaration with Melbourne based interior designer, Sue Carr.
New VOLA RS11 Hands-free gel, foam and soap dispenser
Aarhus Symphony Orchestra At the VOLA factory
Copenhagen Showroom Torben Madsen
Kornets Hus Reiulf Ramstad Architects
Coastal Retreat Carmine Van der Linden & Thomas Geldof
The Danish Way of Mindful Living
The Danish Sommerhus
Ahm House Jørn Utzon
Girona medieval restoration Anna Noguera
Aesop Copenhagen StudioIlse
Bukkekjerka Morfeus Architects
Colour 28: Matt white
Villa Överby, Värmdö John Robert Nilsson
Liscombe House William Smalley
A sustained history McLaren.Excell
Villa Waalre Russell Jones
Can Lis Jørn Utzon
Wellness and wellbeing Ilse Crawford
An exploration into colour The original colour series
A great Danish designer Jørn Utzon
Residence VPS Ville Design
Casa Spodsbjerg Christoffersen & Weiling Architects
Danish design and the future Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen
Dewsbury Road O'Sullivan Skoufoglou Architects
Always Evolving
Water and Wellness
Life Cycle
The Home of VOLA
Infinite Possibilities
The original
Form and Function
The Bauhaus and Danish design talk at The Design Museum
Brick Barns McLaren Excell
Poolhouse SW Arjaan De Feyter
Jackson Hole Mclean Quinlan
PH House Norm Architects
VOLA heritage

Six stories that look at the history and origin of VOLA and what makes it what it is today. Often imitated but never matched.
VOLA is The Original.

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Deense design traditie VOLA experience Een gegarandeerde duurzaamheid

Door voor VOLA te kiezen, maak je deel uit van het blijvende erfgoed van iconisch Deens design en uitzonderlijk vakmanschap.

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