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Copenhagen Showroom l Torben Madsen

Inside, on the first floor, a new story has unfolded. This is the home of the new flagship VOLA showroom, designed by Torben Madsen of Link Arkitektur. The space represents a subtle but significant evolution of the distinctive VOLA aesthetic.


Photography by Christian Møller Andersen
Architecture by Torben Madsen, LINK Arkitektur


A new chapter

From the outside, Frederiksborggade 43 looks like a typical Copenhagen historic building – stately and impressive, with all the features of its classical architectural heritage. With views over the lakes and Sotorvet Square, it is in the heart of a district inhabited by innovative design and architecture studios but retains its Parisian-influenced grandeur.

Inside, on the first floor, a new story has unfolded. This is the home of the new flagship VOLA showroom, designed by Torben Madsen of Link Arkitektur. The space represents a subtle but significant evolution of the distinctive VOLA aesthetic.

An exciting challenge

It is a project that Torben Madsen has relished from the start.

“It was a chance to rethink the interior design concept that had been at the basis of our global showrooms for some time,” he said. The unique character of the listed building acted as the perfect catalyst for a new approach. Torben has been responsible for the design of all 12 showrooms around the world, working to a set concept with the careful addition of local flavour.

“When we first saw the premises, the fascination was immediate,” said Torben “It was well preserved, with five living suites plus lots of white walls and Dinesen floors.”

Once the decision was made to challenge the existing design concept, it was about defining the purpose and character of the five rooms, working in harmony with the building’s heritage features. It could be a difficult balance to strike, but Torben is confident that the new showroom exemplifies everything that the brand stands for in the 21st century.

“People are looking for depth and meaning,” he explains. “They seek out beautiful products that stand the test of time and that have strong environmental credentials. VOLA has always been about that. The new space brings this to life through colour, materials, texture and lighting.”

Spaces with purpose

Within the apartment layout, there are two bespoke display environments, both of which have their own distinct theme. These themes are brought to life through wall colours and materials. The first features the Brushed Gold range, which is influenced by the warm, organic colours and textures of the natural world. The second is all about sustainability, featuring Stainless Steel product ranges and highlighting our long-standing commitment to responsible use of natural resources, including a step-by-step demonstration of how excess materials are recycled. Both rooms use LADY mineral paints from Jotun, which allow for very creative brushwork.

Materials that touch the senses

Another significant element are the boards which are used to display the products. Previously, products have been mounted on glass or plain white boards, but for here our skilled team of fitters used microcement application techniques. This gives a wide range of beautiful textural effects that blend with the themes of each room. In the Brushed Gold room, the boards are given a golden glow, while in the Sustainability room, they have a subtle green-toned patina, as if they have been weathered by nature

Characterful furniture, unique lighting

The project is a reflection of changing times. “How do we remain honest to who we are, but still challenge and question?” asks Torben. “We do not follow fashion but we do sense a new direction.”

The furniture and lighting in the new showroom have all been selected to bring depth to our story – and to make a connection on a more human level. The carpets are all constructed from old Persian rugs from Rugvista to create unique individual pieces. And oak panelling to the walls and for the main table add to the warm, natural atmosphere. All the bespoke furniture was supplied by carpentry firm Bygholm Maskinsnedkeri.

Lighting has also been given a more prominent role. Each room features a large-scale individual light fitting which, at night, will illuminate the space from outside in spectacular fashion. Move-It track lighting with uplighters highlight the stucco ceilings.

Sustainability: a never-ending story

As well as a room dedicated to sustainability, the commitment to environmental responsibility is reflected in the space more broadly. It is impossible for us to ignore, with 100% of the waste that we produce being recycled and products designed to last a lifetime.


It is a topic close to Torben’s heart as an architect and a product designer.

“I believe that there is still a need for design of lamps, chairs and showers. But as designers, we have an obligation to think both design and the environment into what we do.”

The Copenhagen showroom is open by appointment
Frederiksborggade 43, 1 TV, Søtorvet, 1360 København - - Phone: +45 70 23 55 00


Peter Andreasen
Ekstern Salgskonsulent

Mobil: +45 5152 9908


Dorte Jensen

Mobil:    +45 4186 6907


Supplier details


Anker & Co.
Branded lighting including Catellani & Smith

Track lighting with down/up lighters

Bespoke carpets

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