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Aesop Copenhagen | StudioIlse



Photography by Felix Odell
Filmography by Chris Turner


Aesop Copenhagen | StudioIlse

The design of Aesop’s first Danish store by renowned designer Ilse Crawford’s studio, StudioIlse, in Frederiksberg, Copenhagen celebrates the rituals associated with well being and translates the brand’s values into a physical retail space.

Ilse Crawford and her London-based studio StudioIlse, helped the Australian skin care brand Aesop create their very first Aesop store in Denmark. Known for its unique and extravagant concept stores, all of which are different from each other, Aesop’s store in Frederiksberg is located in the centre of Copenhagen and leaves nothing to chance.

Taking inspiration from the iconic Danish painter Vilhelm Hammershøj, Ilse Crawford’s  studio used a continuous colour scheme throughout the long and intimate space to create tight straight lines, and the subdued colours and the distinctive finishing touch of brass and walnut together form a poetic, calm atmosphere you do not experience every day.

StudioIlse’s palette of greens, greys, brass and timber is an exceptional example of the elegant simplicity of Nordic design. The original concrete floors were given a lime wash and all fixtures and fittings were custom made creating an extra level of detail and unique appeal, like the subtle yet beautiful constellation of lights that dot the ceiling throughout the space. 

“It’s important to us that, in an understated and careful way, you integrate the human elements in design”

Ilse Crawford

Ilse Crawford is a designer, academic and creative director with a simple mission to put human needs and desires at the centre of all that she does. As founder of Studioilse, together with her multi-disciplinary, London-based team, she brings her philosophy to life.

This means creating environments where humans feel comfortable; public spaces that make people feel at home and homes that are habitable and make sense for the people who live in them. Supporting and enhancing human behaviour and actions in everyday life by restoring human balance.

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