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2015 German Design Award goes to VOLA RS10

2015 German Design Award goes to VOLA RS10

VOLA RS10 hands-free soap dispenser has been awarded the 2015 German Design Award – The German Design Council’s International Premier Prize.

The German Design Design Award is one of the most prestigious design prizes. The more than 2,250 national and international submissions this year alone, testify to the great attractiveness of the premium prize as well as the high esteem on the market. Those who prevail against the high-quality competition have successfully proven they belong to the best.

The VOLA RS10 hands-free soap dispenser was launched 2013 and has already received Interior Innovation Award 2014.

Statement of the jury:
The VOLA RS10 is a fully-automated electronic soap dispenser for soft crème and foam soap that is completely integrated in the wall and, apart from the striking VOLA ring around the opening, is practically invisible. The only thing to indicate its function is a discreet icon above the hollow space. A motion sensor inside the dispenser discharges the portion of soap. An aesthetically timeless, perfect solution, especially in the high-end public domain.


German Design Award 2015 – Excellent Product Design Bath and Wellness

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