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VOLA celebrates 50 years and beyond

VOLA celebrates 50 years and beyond

This September, VOLA brought 150 international architects from around the world together in Denmark to celebrate its 50th anniversary.

The occasion saw architects from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Holland, Belgian, Sweden, Japan, Australia and the US, invited to experience a cultural program curated by VOLA, which included;

An architectural tour of Aarhus (European Capital of Culture in 2017), which included the Aarhus Townhall designed by Arne Jacobsen

A visit to the iconic VOLA factory and academy in Horsens

A series of architectural talks at the ARoS Art Museum which included:

• Teit Weylandt speaking about his work with Arne Jacobsen
• Kim Holst Jensen, Director and Partner SHL, on the award-winning Dokk1 library
• Julian Weyer, Partner C. F. Møller Architects talks about the Bestseller building at Aarhus Ø
• A lecture from Kasper Heiberg Frandsen, Partner at SHL, on the underground extension of the ARoS Art Museum and an upcoming collaboration with world famous American light artist James Turrell

The series of events culminated in a dinner on Wednesday, 12 September at the recently launched Aarhus International Sailing Centre with speeches from VOLA CEO Johannes Saugbjerg and VOLA Director of International Sales and Marketing Birthe Tofting.

During the evening entertainment was provided by the Aarhus Symphony Orchestra, and VOLA employees who came together to sing to guests at the end of the evening.


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