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European Capital of Culture 2017

European Capital of Culture 2017

At VOLA, we are proud to be a partner of Aarhus 2017 - European Capital of Culture 2017.

Aarhus is the European Capital of Culture in 2017. As one of the most ambitious and prestigious cultural initiatives in recent years, this title is awarded to two European cities every year. Alongside Aarhus, Paphos in Cyprus share the title of European Capital of Culture in 2017.
Every European Capital of Culture presents a year-long program full of exhibitions, shows and unique cultural activities that strengthen ties within local ommunities and generate long lasting international collaborations. The purpose of Aarhus 2017 is to foster a spirit of European unity and highlight the diversity of European culture while promoting a greater understanding between its citizens.

More than anything else, Aarhus 2017 is about inclusion. Aarhus 2017 has already engaged more than 10.000 people from across the region through numerous initiatives, and continues to do so by launching projects where citizens and local entrepreneurs can get involved, participate and create.
The theme of Aarhus 2017, Let’s Rethink, signals a cultural transformation of the region into a laboratory of experimentation and alternative thinking.


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